This was a delightfully late set, with a generally laid-back and mellow vibe. Lots of long jazz tracks, but also a lot of my usual eclectic mix.
The set started earlier than usual, running from 5pm to 9pm, because there was an excellent live jazz performance at 10pm.
Kind of a last-minute set which kind of works in my favor sometimes, because I don’t overthink things. Hence, I went in a lot of different directions, but kept trying to bring it back to jazz. Even the hip-hop choices had strong jazz influences, and only once did I really stray into 80s indie.
This was a delightfully late set, with a generally laid-back and mellow vibe. Lots of long jazz tracks, but also a lot of my usual eclectic mix.
This set ended up similar to the previous evening’s, but since no one present would have heard it, what the heck. There was a lot that worked here, and some of the combination and blends were very fun to listen back to.
Well I had a record skip on me, and at one point I left a fader up, so I’m not posting the recording this time. Nevertheless, lots of folks came down to wish me an early Happy Birthday, and I was thrilled with some of the cuts I dug up, so I’d consider the set a resounding success.